Believe in ME

A mental skills and empowerment swag shop created by kid-entrepreneurs-in-training Emma and Grace, inspired by their mom.
Our mission: To dream big, believe in ourselves, and help you do the same!
Oh, and we love Maine :)
Hi, I'm Emma!
I am half Canadian and half American. I love sports and am very active. I like spending time with my family and friends. But mostly with my furry friends! I LOVE dogs! I also enjoy babysitting and playing at the beach and water! I have learned to believe in myself and hope we help you do the same! Thanks for visiting our shop!

My Favourites

Hi, I'm Grace!
I love Canada, my family, basketball, biking, karate, Strong Girls (my mom's nonprofit) and the beach! I am excited to share with you my e-book on dyslexia to empower you, your classmates, or others...and I have even more creations coming soon!

My Favourites

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Friends and family discount! You can bypass the shipping charge by using the code YORKMAINE at checkout if you would like to pickup locally.
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